
GST University List 2024 | GST Admission System |

This year all public universities will not taking individual admission test. This year total 24 public universities were taking admission test by integrated. Not only general public universities, but also science technology universities will do this. Today in this article, we will describe about GST Admission Circular for academic session 2023-24.

GST University List 2024

In the current time, GST University admission and University list of GST in Bangladesh have been the much talked topics for the university admission applicants.

GST C Unit Result 2024

As of 2021, the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh has approved cluster system for student enrolment after HSC exams. 24 public universities have been included in this integrated university admission test process.

GST Admission System

These GST universities admission exam will be taken in one integrated system. There will be 3 exams for students coming from 3 different groups: science, arts, and commerce. GST admission test for the A unit is intended for students with the science background, B unit is for arts students, and the C unit exam is for commerce students.

GST Admission Circular 2024

Here is the list of Universities that will take integrated admission test:

  1. Islami University (IU)
  2. University of Barishal (BU)
  3. Khulna University (KU)
  4. Comilla University (COU)
  5. Rabindra University (RUB)
  6. Jagannath University (JnU)
  7. Sheikh Hasina University (SHU)
  8. Begum Rokeya University (BRUR)
  9. Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University (JKKNIU)
  10. Patuakhali Science & Technology University (PSTU)
  11. Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST)
  12. Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU)
  13. Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST)
  14. Chandpur Science and Technology University (CSTU)
  15. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)
  16. Rangamati University of Science and Technology (RMSTU)
  17. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University (BSMRU)
  18. Sunamgonj Science and Technology University, Sunamgonj
  19. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University (BDU)
  20. Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU)
  21. Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University (HSTU)
  22. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Pirojpur
  23. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University (BSMRSTU)
  24. Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University (BSFMSTU)

10 general GST universities and their group wise total seats

University Name Science Commerce Arts Total seats
Jagannath University 1245 520 850 2615
Islami University 550 450 1471 2305
Khulna University 645 91 435 1217
Comilla University 515 252 273 1190
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University 272 248 540 1060
Begum Rokeya University 692 281 389 1315
University of Barishal 649 302 463 1440
Rabindra University 35 120 155
Sheikh Hasina University 30 30 30 90
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University

14 GST universities of science & technology and their group-wise total seats

University Name Science Commerce Arts Total seats
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 1210 83 310 1703
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University 1360 280 365 2005
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University 733 280 28 815
Noakhali Science and Technology University 970 54 186 1285
Jessore University of Science and Technology 685 129 100 910
Pabna University of Science and Technology 650 140 145 920
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University 908 125 317 1505
Rangamati University of Science and Technology 75 280 150
Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University 90 75 30 150
Patuakhali Science & Technology University 560 30 100 730
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University 100 70 100
Chandpur Science and Technology University
Sunamgonj Science and Technology University, Sunamgonj
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Pirojpur

We will publish all kinds of important information about various universities (public & private both) admission test notice, admission test date, seat plan, admit card & result too in our website. So keep visiting our website & get more updates To get more update information, you can like our Facebook page & join our  Facebook group.


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