
Fahmida loves eating. Both of her parents are good cook but she is very fond of her father’s cooking

Class Six English assignment 11th Week published Today. It is 4th English assignment for  Class 6. This Assignment from 6 Lesson and name of the lesson It smells good! Fahmida loves eating. Both of her parents are good cook but she is very fond of her father’s cooking. Mr. Rahman tries different new items. It was a weekend and raining heavily outside. Mr. Rahman declared, “Hey guys, I’m going to cook for you today”. Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters cheered- Yeeh! Mrs. Rahman said….

Now complete the story in 150 words.

Class 6 English assignment 11th Week

Instructions :
This assignment is for completing story. Students DO NOT need to reproduce the part of the story told here. However, if any student reproduce it, DO NOT penalize.

Assignment answer: Fahmida’s One Day

Fahmida loves eating. Both of her parents are good cooks but she is very fond of her father’s cooking. Mr. Rahman tries different new items. It was a weekend and raining heavily outside. Mr. Rahman declared, “Hey guys, I’m going to cook for you today”.

Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters cheered- Yeeh! Mrs. Rahman said, “Won’t you sing a song now?” Fahmida started a song.

They all were singing ‘aji jhoro jhoro mukhoro badolo dine’.

After a few moments, Mr. Rahman said, “Go everybody and wash your hands”. Fahmida assured her father that she was going. Her brothers and sisters also have gone. They were very excited.

Reaching back, they saw their mother prepared the table. Mr. Rahman cooked ‘morogpolau’ which was very favourite to them.

Seeing this favorite dish, they couldn’t wait for a minute. Fahmida said, “It smells good!” All started to eat with yummy tastes. Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters said, ” It tastes so delicious”.

Assessment Rubrics


  • • Student writes at least 10 new sentences.
  • • The newly written sentences are properly connected to the storyline.
  • • Student’s use of vocabulary is appropriate and varied.
  • • All sentences are grammatically correct.
  • • The presentation has no spelling error.

Very good:

  • • Student writes at least 8 new sentences.
  • • The newly written sentences are generally connected to the storyline provided with one or two examples of disjointed sentences.
  • • Student’s use of vocabulary is generally appropriate and varied with some slips.
  • • A few grammatical errors are evident.
  • • The presentation has occasional spelling error.


  • • Student writes at least 6 new sentences.
  • • The newly written sentences are somehow connected to the storyline provided with some disjointed ideas/sentences.
  • • Student’s use of vocabulary is limited.
  • • Half of the presentation has grammatical errors.
  • • Half of the presentation is free from spelling error.

Needs improvement:

  • • Student could not come up with any meaningful new ideas.
  • • The newly written sentences/ideas are disjointed.
  • • Student’s use of vocabulary is extremely limited with many inappropriate uses.
  • • There are frequent grammatical errors (more than half of the sentences are grammatically inaccurate.
  • • The presentation has frequent spelling error.


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