
Read the poem attentively and critically. Write a summary with a suitable title except “Whose Child is This”

Class 7 English assignment 11th Week published Today. It is 4th English assignment for Class Seven. This Assignment from Lesson 3 and name of the lesson People who make a difference. Read the poem attentively and critically. Now-
1. Write a summary with a suitable title except “Whose Child is This”
2. Explain whose contribution is the most to build up a child? Give your own reasons.

Lesson no and Title: Lesson-3: Whose Child is This?

Other lessons • Lesson 1: A teacher(1) • Lesson 2: A teacher(2) • Lesson 4: Fixed price shop • Lesson 5: Morality shop • Lesson 6: The homemaker (1)

Read the poem attentively and critically. Now-
1. Write a summary with a suitable title except “Whose Child is This”
2. Explain whose contribution is the most to build up a child? Give your own reasons.
Teachers will check students’ assignment following the assessment rubrics.

Class 7 English Assignment Question Answer

Assessment Rubrics


  • Suitable title, main idea of the poem-(i)parents’ contribution, (ii)teachers’ contribution, (iii)combined contribution of parents and teachers clearly narrated
  • Explaining the question no 2 with critical thinking and creativity
  • Sentences grammatically correct
  • Correct spelling

Very good:

  • Suitable title, main idea of the poem-(i)parents’ contribution, (ii)teachers’ contribution, (iii)combined contribution of parents and teachers partially narrated
  • Explaining the question no 2 with a bit critical thinking and creativity
  • Sentences grammatically correct with few mistakes
  • Correct spelling few mistakes


  • Suitable title, main idea of the poem-(i)parents’ contribution, (ii)teachers’ contribution, (iii)combined contribution of parents and teachers narrated a little
  • Explaining the question no 2 with little critical thinking and creativity
  • Sentences grammatically correct with frequent mistakes

Needs improvement:

  • Correct spelling with frequent mistakes Suitable title, main idea of the poem-(l)parents’ contribution, (ii)teachers’ contribution, (iii)combined contribution of parents and teachers not narrated
  • Explaining the question no 2 without critical thinking and creativity
  • Sentences grammatically correct with a lot of mistakes
  • Correct spelling with lot of mistakes

Write a summary with a suitable title except “Whose Child is This”


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