DV Lottery Apply 2026 Registration Bangladesh | DV Eligible Countries List

The annual Diversity Visa Lottery also known as the Green Card Lottery is a US government program that makes 55,000 Permanent Resident cards available every year to persons from “underrepresented countries,” which have been less represented in employment and family-based preference categories in the United States of America and who meet two basic eligibility requirements. This years (2023) Green Card Lottery Program is called DV-2026 (the year successful applicants may enter the United States of America on the green card they won), and is now open to all individuals worldwide who meet two basic entry requirements.
DV Lottery Apply 2026
The Program makes Permanent Resident Cards available to the winners, authorizing the winners and their families to live, study and work in the United States of America as permanent residents. The Green Card Lottery program is a United States congressionally-mandated program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card, also popularly known as a USA Green Card, due to the green color of the Permanent Resident Card.
DV Lottery 2026 Registration Bangladesh
Applicants who are selected in the program (selectees) must meet simple but strict eligibility requirements to qualify for a diversity visa. The Department of State determines selectees through a randomized computer drawing. The Department of State distributes diversity visas among six geographic regions, and no single country may receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year
DV Lottery 2026 Registration
যারা আবেদন করতে পারবেনঃ
আপনি যদি অযোগ্য DV-লটারি দেশে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন তবে আপনি এখনও যোগ্যতা অর্জন করতে পারেন।
আপনি এখনও ইউএসএ ডাইভারসিটি ভিসা লটারিতে আপনার পিতামাতা বা স্বামী/ স্ত্রীর জন্মের দেশের উপর ভিত্তি করে অংশগ্রহণ করতে সক্ষম হতে পারেন।
আপনার পিতামাতা বা স্বামী/ স্ত্রী যেকেও আমেরিকায় বসবাস করে থাকে, তাহলে আপনিও এই ভিসায় আবেদন করতে পারবেন।
South Korea Lottery Registration 2024
DV Lottery 2026 Eligible Countries List
Applicants who are selected in the program (selectees) must meet simple but strict eligibility requirements to qualify for a diversity visa. The Department of State determines selectees through a randomized computer drawing. The Department of State distributes diversity visas among six geographic regions, and no single country may receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year.
For DV-2026, natives of the following countries are not eligible to apply, because more than 50,000 natives of these countries immigrated to the United States in the previous five years:
Are you eligible to participate in the American DV-2026 Diversity Visa Green Card Lottery?
- Brazil
- Canada
- Colombia
- China (mainland)
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- India
- Jamaica
- Mexico
- Nigeria
- Philippines
- Pakistan
- South Korea
- United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland).
- Vietnam
How do I apply for a Green Card in the Diversity Visa Lottery ?
Applications for the USA Green Card Lottery are accepted online only. In the past, paper applications with signatures and attached passport photos were accepted. In 2003, this process was changed by the United States Government and applicants may only apply online now. We have streamlined the online registration process, making it a fast, secure and reliable three step registration process that takes around 15 minutes for each applicant.
Necessary Requirements while applying for USA DV Lottery 2026
Carefully fill out the following on the DV website’s prescribed application form:
1. Old name of the applicant
2. Date of birth
3. Place of Birth (in the city / district where the candidate was born / as mentioned in the birth registration card)
4. Country
5. Photo of the applicant
6.Full address
7.Currently living in the country.
8. Phone number (if any)
9. E-mail address (if any)
10. Highest educational qualification
11. Marital status
12. Number of children (if the child is under 21 years of age)
13. Husband / Wife Information (If the applicant is a husband, the wife’s information should be given in this section)
14. Child information
An applicant cannot apply for more than one. However, husband and wife can make two separate applications. Upon successful completion of the application process, the name and date of birth of the applicant along with a “Confirmation Number” will be displayed. It is important to save this information for the next step of the DV. This information will be needed to know the status of obtaining a visa online at a later time.
The Online USA Green Card Lottery Application Process
Check if you qualify
- Pay the administrative fee for our services
- Receive registration number and password to your account
- Log into to your account to complete/change your information
- Provide/upload photos of yourself and any co-applicant
- We will crop and resize your photos so that they meet the diversity visa lottery requirements
- We will submit your complete and error free application
- Check online, if you won your Diversity Visa Green Card
- Winners are notified by us by mail
- Winners receive advice on how to file the formal visa application, at no additional cost
- Winners receive interview preparation advice, at no additional cost
- We Accept Registration 365 Days a Year
- Free Online Support by our USA Immigration Experts
USA DV Esquelas Hoy
The Diversity Visa Lottery Program is the most generous immigrant visa program in the world, with up to 55,000 Permanent Resident Cards allocated yearly. If a person is unable to qualify for family, refugee or employment visa in the United States, this is the only option they have to immigrate to the United States of America. While luck is certainly a key factor in the initial draw, many important factors that affect the applicants chances of winning a Permanent Resident Card can be controlled.
These include speed and a precise adherence to the programs rules and regulations. To ensure your success, our USA Immigration Experts have detailed knowledge of the strategies and regulations of this program and pay close attention to the potential legal vulnerabilities of all applicants. Let us help you reach your dream of becoming an American resident today!