
Priya lives in a village. Now-a-days, she is confinedto the four walls as her school has been closed since 17 March 2024

Class 8 English assignment 11th Week published Today. It is 4th English assignment for Class Seven. This Assignment from Unit 3 and Title: Health and Hygiene.

Lesson 3: Hygiene

Priya lives in a village. Now-a-days, she is confinedto the four walls as her school has been closed since 17 March 2024. She became scared when she came to know that a deadly virus named Corona spread all over the world and the Government of Bangladesh requested people to stay at home to stop the spread widely. To maintain personal health and hygiene, people need to eat nutritious food and take regular physical exercise, wash hands frequently and maintain social distance to be safe. However, it makes her sad seeingmany people not following the safety rules.

Now, think of the existing worldwide corona pandemic situation. List 10 protective measures and make a poster to stop the spread of coronavirus disease, COVID-19.

Instruction: Students are asked to follow the general rules of making a poster.

Class 8 English Assignment Question Answer

Assessment Rubrics

Excellent: Students will be awarded `Excellent’ for relevant information, appropriate content & grammar, spelling, punctuation, complete communication and creativity.

Very Good: Students will be awarded ‘Very Good’ for relevant information, appropriate content and grammar, spelling, punctuation, partial communication and creativity.

Good: Students will be awarded ‘Good’ for inadequate content, errors in grammar, spelling & punctuation mistakes, less communication and creativity.

Needs Improvement: Students will be awarded ‘Needs Improvement’ for irrelevant information, inappropriate content, frequent grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes along with incomplete communication and creativity.


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